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What is CBD Oil?

What is CBD oil? This is a multi-layered, complicated question; however, it can be summed up quite simply. CBD oil vape kit is in the simplest of terms, is a carrier oil that has been infused with CBD. What it is, however, is much more complex. Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a type of cannabinoid and, more specifically, a phytocannabinoid produced by cannabis and hemp plants. This cannabinoid can be extracted from plant material in many different ways.

Once extracted from the plant, it can then be infused into a carrier oil. Some methods of making CBD oil extract CBD from plant material while infusing it into a carrier oil at the same time. Others, however, require that the CBD be extracted typically in the form of an isolate that is then separately infused into a carrier oil or other oil-based concoction. When extracting CBD for CBD oil, it is typically done utilizing the stalk, stems, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant. In the UK, Cannabis oil must be made utilizing CBD-rich hemp plants high in active therapeutic cannabidiol compounds approved by the EU. These cultivars of hemp adhere to the THC restrictions required in order for CBD products to be UK-compliant.THC juice and THC Pen whether sold seperately or individually are illegal in UK if the contain more then 1mg of THC per container. Once you have full spectrum isolate powder from the plant materials, it must be infused into a carrier oil. The most common carrier oil for CBD oil is medium-chain triglyceride or MCT coconut oil. Other common carrier oils for CBD oil include avocado, olive, sunflower, and sometimes even a mixture. Additionally, sometimes CBD oil is made by infusing CBD into a carrier oil such as listed above that has also been infused with other compounds such as essential oils, terpenes, or even other cannabinoids. Once the extraction and the infusion have been completed, you have CBD oil.

A Versatile Oil

This CBD oil can then be utilized as is in a variety of ways. That same CBD oil, however, can also be added to other carrier bases in order to make a variety of different products. When CBD oil is utilized solely by itself after extraction and infusion, it is typically taken orally. Some people prefer to allow the oil to sit under their tongue or swallow it. Others, however, prefer to add the oil to their favorite foods or beverages or even to an empty capsule to make their own CBD capsules. When not taken orally, CBD oil can also be added to things such as lotions, salves, and creams to make topical products infused with CBD. It can also be added to recipes such as that for brownies or cookies in substitution for regular oil in order to make CBD-infused edibles. CBD oil is a very versatile oil and, when used topically, is known to be very nice to our pores. However, when making a CBD oil that is intended to be used for a topical product, it is essential to note that you should avoid using MCT coconut oil in that essence and instead opt for cold-pressed hemp seed oil, which is less likely to clog pores than MCT as MCT has comedogenic properties.

Do Your Due Diligence and Embrace CBD Like So Many Others

People of all ages, cultures, and lifestyles are turning to CBD oil for a variety of different reasons. The popular consensus is CBD oil is amazing and doing just what they hoped for. Just because something is so hyped up, though, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your due diligence before making a purchase. Like anything that you purchase to consume or put on your body, you should do your research when purchasing CBD oil. Unfortunately, around the world, there have been reports of shady business practices and falsities in the labeling of CBD products, as well as unfounded claims, slapped on labels in order to reel in consumers. In order to protect yourself, you should always research the company and the product that you are looking to purchase. Start by asking your friends about the companies and brands they trust. Then start reading reviews by other consumers to learn about their experiences with the product and the company. Even if your friend recommended it and it has great reviews, that doesn't always mean that it is safe. One of the easiest ways to ensure that you are buying a safe product is to make sure it is backed by third-party independent lab test results. Verify that what is listed on the label is, in fact, what is in the testing. Confirm that the lab test did not return contaminants such as pesticides that may have been utilized in the cultivation process or solvents which were likely used in the extraction of CBD to make the oil. If all of the testing checks out and the company has a reputable name backed by a multitude of customer reviews and testimonials, it is likely a good product and one you can feel safe purchasing and utilise.

Chief Editor Casey A

This article is authored by Dr Casey Abrahamsmen. Dr Abrahamsmen is a board certified physician with over 13 years of experience in internal medicine and pain management. He practises Palliative care at a hospital in Venezuela and is a strong advocative for CBD and believes CBD has a major role to play towards healthy non addictive pain management habits. You can read more about Dr Abrahamsmen here.

This article was peer-reviewed by Dr M Mansoor Siddique (PhD). Dr Siddique has over eight years of experience working with CBD and CBD products.

Disclaimer: All of our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is recommended to check with doctor before starting a new dietary supplement program. All CBD products sold have less than 0.2% THC content and abide by both EU an UK law.



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Address: CBD Oil King HQ, Heron House, Office 16 First Floor, Heigham Road, London, E6 2JG, UK
Tel: 020 8133 9919
Company Number: 13094719
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