CBD vaping is becoming popular, particularly among young adults. However, most of the information on the internet is focused on CBD oil for oral intake.
The question is valid since anything abused may cause harm. Even beneficial foods may cause harm if abused.
People mainly vape CBD to relax, socialize, and reduce stress. Sometimes, they might use CBD to overcome specific health issues like more severe pain or anxiety and enhance sleep quality.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA), responsible for regulating the market of foods, Novel Foods, and edibles, says that one should avoid consuming more than 10 mg of CBD daily.[1]
FSA’s advice is highly useful but a bit challenging to understand. After all, people who vape can practically only count the number of puffs they have or how many times a day they vape. Thus, they want a more straightforward explanation about how many puffs of CBD vape should you take?
In this article, instead of focusing on daily dosage in milligrams, we focus on a number of puffs. This will help vapers understand and provide actionable insight.
Most vape pens mention how much CBD vape juice does it have and how much is the total CBD content in the vape pen. For example, smaller vapes generally have 2 ml of CBD juice containing 500 mg of CBD. Larger pens might have 8 to 10 ml containing 2000 mg or a bit more of CBD.
From the above calculation, we can say that, on average, most vapes, irrespective of vape pen size, contain, on average, 250 mg of CBD per ml. Of course, some differences may exist, with some vapes having higher concentrations and others lower. But, for the safety of the assumption, we will take 250 mg/ml of CBD as the most common thing.
Further, most vaping experts agree that 1 ml of vape juice is enough for about 300 puffs. This approximately means that 100 puffs would approximately provide no more than 10 mg of CBD. Of course, mathematically, it is a bit more, but you need to understand that there is nothing like 100% bioavailability.
Mathematically, 100 puffs would have about 80 mg of CBD. But, in reality, much less would enter the body. Therefore, to keep things simple, we can say that in most cases, 100 puffs a day would be the maximum dose. Of course, if CBD concentration is low in a vape pen or e-juice, these figures would be higher.
Based on this, we can make the following suggestions:
If you like to vape frequently, you can safely go up to 100 puffs a day. Of course, you might casually vape even more, but you better avoid it.
Remember that CBD is a very safe thing. Even if you exceed its dose multiple times. However, FSA says that there is sound data to say that limiting CBD intake to 10 mg a day is safe even in the long run. [1]Â
Further, there is another reason for these recommendations. One should not forget that CBD vape pens or CBD juice also contain other ingredients. One would not like to overdose on flavours, terpenes, and other additives. Moreover, studies confirm that most side effects of vaping are due to additives and not due to CBD.
Now, coming to the second question, that is, how many times to vape during the day? People rarely vape once. Vaping experts say that, on average, one takes about 20 puffs in every vaping session.
This means that beginners should avoid hitting their CBD vape pens more than two times a day. However, vaping three times a day is fine. Generally, avoid vaping more than five times a day.
Of course, the above are just suggestions. Lots would depend on the number of puffs one has during each session. If one takes fewer puffs during a session, then one can hit a vape pen more frequently. Everyone will have to do some calculations.
In addition to the above recommendations, learn to listen to your body signals. Watch for side effects like dry throat, dizziness, and other signs of distress, and regulate your daily dose of CBD accordingly.
Finally, remember that CBD stays in your body for several hours. Generally, half of CBD that you inhale can still be found in your blood after 4-6 hours.[2] It means that with every consecutive CBD vape use, you will experience a greater relaxing effect. Hence, do not rush. Enjoy vaping, and keep in mind that some of its effects will kick in a bit later or after the second vaping session.
To sum up, enjoy CBD vaping responsibly. CBD vaping is quite safe as long as you have bought the vape from a reputable supplier. Generally, vaping a few times a day is absolutely fine. When it comes to puffs, do not take more than 40 puffs a day (based on FSA’s latest recommendation).
But, of course, at the end of the day, much would depend on CBD’s concentration in vaping juice. Thus, these recommendations are correct for most standard vaping pens but not for all. Many vape pens have less CBD content, while others have more. So, in many instances, some calculations will be needed, which can be done using the information provided above.
This article was authored by:Â Dr. Preet Pal Singh Bhinder.
This article was peer-reviewed by Dr M Mansoor Siddique (PhD). Dr Siddique has over eight years of experience working with CBD and CBD products.
Disclaimer: All of our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is recommended to check with doctor before starting a new dietary supplement program. All CBD products sold have less than 0.2% THC content and abide by both EU an UK law.