Addiction is a very complex process. It is still not fully understood by science. Of course, it is well known that CBD is unlike a weed/marijuana. It does not cause high. Hence, the potential of CBD addiction is nothing like that of marijuana, illicit drugs, or even alcohol. But is it completely safe? Is CBD vaping addictive?
We would once more like to repeat that CBD is unlike weed or marijuana. It does not cause a high or euphoria. It is safe and healthy to use CBD vape pens regularly if done in moderation.
When smoking weed or marijuana, it causes a high due to its high THC content. It provides a pleasure. People who smoke weed start seeking this pleasure. Not only that, when they do not get their dose, they experience body aches and depression and actively start seeking the substance – all are classic signs of addiction.
However, CBD does not cause any such things. It has a mild relaxing effect. And it does not cause any dependence. It means that if someone gives up CBD, it will not cause any body aches or other health issues. It is not addictive at all.
So, in theory, CBD vaping is non-addictive. However, in practice, things differ. People even get addicted to foods like sugars, sugary drinks, high-fat foods, fries, and more.
This is because addiction is more complex than many think. If you keep repeating some action, you develop a habit. You might become dependent on vaping to counter anxiety. Therefore, you may need to vape to stay calm.
Another issue is that many substances provide pleasure. This promotes pleasure-seeking behavior. This occurs due to an increase in dopamine caused by pleasurable activities. People become not addicted to CBD vaping, but they might become dopamine addicts. [1]
Simply said, CBD vaping does not cause physical dependence or addiction, like illicit drugs or other substances of abuse. It means that CBD is very safe.
Nevertheless, there are some chances of a person becoming habitual to CBD vaping. This is mainly a psychological issue.[2]
So, what does that mean? Can CBD cause addiction or not?
Of course not. However, avoid too much vaping as one may still develop a habit. One may become psychologically dependent on CBD vaping to stay calm. There is no harm in such kind of dependence, but there is still some risk that one may start abusing CBD vaping.
However, with that said, it is worth understanding that the risk of CBD addiction is similar to that of getting addicted to some food item or beverage. Just remember that moderation is everything, and everything is in moderation.
Vaping CBD does not cause addiction, dependence, or a high. Though CBD is extracted from cannabis plants, but it is unlike marijuana. This is because CBD vapes are either free of compounds that cause addiction, that is, THC, or contain it in minute amounts. At such minute amounts (less than 0.03%), THC only adds to CBD’s relaxing effect and has no potential to cause addiction.
There is significant data and scientific evidence to say confidently that CBD addiction does not exist. After all, millions of people are regularly using CBD products. So, many people vape CBD regularly. There are no reported cases of CBD vaping addiction.
Of course, one should enjoy CBD in moderation. One may not develop CBD addiction, but one may develop tolerance to CBD if one abuses CBD. Additionally, one may develop a habit of vaping, which may not be good in some cases.
To sum up, vaping CBD is safe and does not cause addiction. However, vape responsibly to enjoy its health benefits.
This article was authored by:Â Dr. Preet Pal Singh Bhinder.
This article was peer-reviewed by Dr M Mansoor Siddique (PhD). Dr Siddique has over eight years of experience working with CBD and CBD products.
Disclaimer: All of our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is recommended to check with doctor before starting a new dietary supplement program. All CBD products sold have less than 0.2% THC content and abide by both EU an UK law.