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Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking?

There is no good evidence that vaping is significantly harmful. It is regretful that there are too many exaggerated reports of how vaping harms health. Some nations have prohibited vaping without any sound reasons. Due to disinformation, people ask, “Is vaping worse than smoking?”

We would like to make it very clear that vaping is highly safe. There is no sound evidence that vaping causes any severe ailments. Most vaping-related issues occur due to impurities in vaping pens. High-quality vape pens or e-juices are safe. When it comes to smoking, vaping is multiple times safer than vaping. Even vaping nicotine is much safer than smoking. Vaping nicotine-free vapes like CBD is an even better choice.

NHS, UK, recommends vaping as an effective way to quit smoking. It clearly says that vaping is more effective than nicotine chewing to give up smoking. NHS, UK clearly states, “in the short and medium term, vaping poses a small fraction of the risks of smoking”.[1]

Vaping vs. Smoking

It is entirely wrong to compare vaping and smoking. These two activities might look similar, but they are different. Though it might appear that people inhale smoke in both activities, even that observation is wrong. In vaping, people do not inhale smoke. Instead, they inhale vapours.

In smoking, smoke is created by burning tobacco, that is, through combustion. Combustion or burning occurs at significantly higher temperatures. Burning tobacco produces many toxins like tar, CO, formaldehyde, benzene, and many more.[2]

Vaping is altogether a different thing. In vaping, there is no combustion. In vaping, one is not trying to burn anything. Instead, vape pens heat a vape juice at much lower temperatures, which is just enough to produce vapour, full of flavour and rich in other ingredients. This does not produce tar or other toxins, like smoking.

Even nicotine vaping is much safer than tobacco smoking. Nicotine may have multiple health harms, but it is still much less harmful than smoking. In smoking, most harms occur due to tar and other toxins present in smoke and not due to nicotine. Nicotine is only harmful at higher dosages and on prolonged use.[3]

Moreover, if you vape nicotine-free vapes like CBD vapes, then there are many health benefits.

Of course, vaping may cause some harm. Vaping is still known to cause some lung inflammation. However, this inflammation is mild and only occurs on abusing vaping or using low-quality vape products that contain impurities.

Some nations have indeed reported severe lung diseases due to vaping. However, these disease outbreaks were never reported in the UK or EU. These disease outbreaks did not occur due to CBD or other vaping ingredients. Studies have now confirmed that those issues arose due to vape impurities like vitamin E acetate, specific flavours, and pesticides.

All this means that modern vape juices are very safe. They rarely cause any severe health issues. Most fears regarding vaping are based on older reports. New-generation vape pens, CBD vape pens, and e-juices do not contain harmful substances.

Of course, we do not encourage people to start vaping. We do not suggest that vaping is entirely safe. However, vaping is much safer than smoking.

The Bottom Line

It would be correct to say that no vaping is not worse than smoking. In fact, it is even wrong to compare vaping with smoking. Though in both activities, one inhales. However, one inhales smoke when smoking, while in vaping, a person inhales vapour. Smoke and vapour are two very different things. Smoke contains tar, CO, and toxins. Vapour is free of any toxic substances. Vaping can only cause mild issues of airways and nothing like smoking. Smoking is very harmful to health, and switching to vaping is one of the ways to give up smoking.


  1. Vaping to quit smoking - Better Health [Internet]. nhs.uk. 2022 [cited 2023 Oct 19]. Available from: https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/.
  2. Tobacco [Internet]. NHS inform. [cited 2023 Oct 19]. Available from: https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/stopping-smoking/reasons-to-stop/tobacco/.
  3. Sanner T, Grimsrud TK. Nicotine: Carcinogenicity and Effects on Response to Cancer Treatment – A Review. Front Oncol. 2015;5:196.
Dr Preet Pal Singh Bhinder

This article was authored by: Dr. Preet Pal Singh Bhinder.

This article was peer-reviewed by Dr M Mansoor Siddique (PhD). Dr Siddique has over eight years of experience working with CBD and CBD products.

Disclaimer: All of our products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. It is recommended to check with doctor before starting a new dietary supplement program. All CBD products sold have less than 0.2% THC content and abide by both EU an UK law.



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