THC is the abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinol. THC comes in more than one variety. The THC that historically has been known to get people high or produce a buzz is one in a variety of the delta family. It’s called delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. Delta-9 THC is illegal in many places including the UK. But other variances in the delta family such as delta-8 THC and others haven’t been the subject of government scrutiny yet abroad. All forms of THC is considered a controlled substance under UK law.
Consuming THC Liquid or taking
THC vape will get you high, or at least it should. The effects of THC Vape can be felt almost instantly. But not everyone wants to feel the effects commonly experienced when using THC. A CBD vape pen can offer you everything found in cannabis, minus the buzz.
Some people aren’t happy with this and want a little buzz from their cannabis. Since delta-9 is illegal in so many places, a lot of people are turning to delta-8 THC. But is it the same as delta-9 THC? If it isn’t, what’s the difference? Let’s take a closer look at Delta-8 THC.
Delta 8 THC is legal in many places (not the UK) because it is derived from CBD produced from hemp. Through a chemical process of introducing glacial acetic acid, CBD is converted into Delta 8 THC. Being that hemp-derived CBD is legal in many places, it's common to find Delta 8 THC products like vape pens, vape juice, edibles, and more. You are likely to find these products across the US and some parts of Europe.
Yes, it does. Consumers often report the effects of Delta 8 THC to be about three times stronger than that of regular THC. One difference is it doesn't last as long, and it comes on quicker. Regular THC can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours before someone feels the effect whereas the effects from Delta 8 THC last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you want to get the most out of a Delta 8 THC experience, make sure that you stay hydrated before, during, and after consuming Delta 8.
Delta-8 THC will most certainly make you feel sleepy. Many consumers of Delta 8 THC report experiencing a lack of energy at high doses. Delta-8-THC is not known to last as long as regular THC. They say that the effects from consuming a Delta 8 gummy can last an estimated 30 minutes up to 2 hours. Whereas when consuming a Delta-9-THC gummy it can take 30 minutes to 2 hours before you even feel anything.
People use delta-8 for many of the same reasons they would use delta-9 for. When Delta 8 THC is consumed in low dosages the effects are said to be milder than delta-9 THC. However, when you increase the dosage, as with anything, the effects are quite different. Some consumers report the effects of delta-8 THC are very similar to delta-9 THC. A major difference consumers report is they say they're about three times stronger at high dosages. To make sure you're always getting what you pay for only purchase products like Delta 8 THC from reputable sources that offer certified lab test results.